Dear Mr Fularz
We can confirm that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have called on the Polish Government to recall the consul.
Over the last three years, the Ministry has received several complaints from different public bodies on the consul's conduct that we consider not compatible with the role of a diplomat. This includes aggressive and partly violent behavior towards civil servants, hindrance of work and disturbance at public facilities, as well as failure to comply with instructions from the police.
These complaints have been brought to the attention of the Polish Embassy in Oslo on several earlier occasions.
This will not affect our good relations with Poland and the Polish Government.
Best regards
Per Bardalen Wiggen Seniorrådgiver / Senior Adviser Utenriksdepartementet - Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kommunikasjonsenheten - Communication Unit |
Merkuriusz Polski
Agencja Prasowa. W Krakowie od 3 stycznia 1661 r.
Prezes Zarządu, SP. Z O. O.,ul. Dolina Zielona 24A, 65-154 Zielona Góra
Wydawnictwo Merkuriusz Polski
"" sp. z o.o.
T +48604443623
KRS 0000416514, NIP 9731008676, REGON 081032764
AGENCJA PRASOWA MERKURIUSZ POLSKI- Wieści i treści od 3 stycznia 1661
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